Just realised its been aaaages since I've written a blog. I think its the Twitter effect. Cos I spend a fair amount of time uploading various banal thoughts and actions on there, its kinda taken away the need to blog so often.
The other thing is that life really does seem to be frantic at the moment. Most mornings are taken up either with dashing down to Wimpole Street to have the dressing on my breast changed (its healing nicely btw) or going to my new gym.
I finally got my first workout programme, once the hand had healed from the shattering glass doorknob saga, and while its a fraction of the stuff I was doing at home, but infinitely more effective! Just little tweaks to the bicep and tricep curls, a new way of doing crunches, and its like my body has been kick started! I'm seeing results after only two weeks! Plus 25 minutes at speed on the cross trainer is adding a whole new dimension to the muscles in my legs.
Just as well really, cos my newly found high heel fetish shows no signs of diminishing! After getting the most awesome pair in Brum the other week, yesterday I succumbed to a pair of pale grey patent platform courts at Office that are just amazing! The heel is at least 5" and I tower over most people in them, but I actually wore them onstage last night and didn't fall once! It's amazing how a pair of fabulous fuck me pumps will make even the plainest of outfits something special. I was only wearing skinny jeans and a t-shirt but I looked fierce! So many wasted years in flatties!
Talking of the stage, this weekend I am gigging at one of my Top Five comedy clubs in the world - The Glee Club in Cardiff - and so far I'm having a terrific time. The line-up is great, Matt Welcome, Stefano Paolini and Trevor Crook (plus on Thursday, new to me comic Tom Craine who was brilliant).
My confidence onstage had taken a bit of a knock recently due to some ill-informed comments, and it had been inhibiting my performances, but last night's show especially confirmed that the best thing for me to be is the best me I can be! I cannot be the comedian other people want or expect me to be and its pointless trying. If I was gonna fake it, I'd become an actor. It's been a pretty horrid few weeks, but I feel I'm out of the black hole now and onwards and upwards and fuck the haters!
Ps on Twitter I now have over 900 followers and I know they read my site and my blog, so I will thank you all here too for following me. If you're reading this and not on Twitter, get on there! I am MissJoJoSmith on there.
Laters folks xxx
The other thing is that life really does seem to be frantic at the moment. Most mornings are taken up either with dashing down to Wimpole Street to have the dressing on my breast changed (its healing nicely btw) or going to my new gym.
I finally got my first workout programme, once the hand had healed from the shattering glass doorknob saga, and while its a fraction of the stuff I was doing at home, but infinitely more effective! Just little tweaks to the bicep and tricep curls, a new way of doing crunches, and its like my body has been kick started! I'm seeing results after only two weeks! Plus 25 minutes at speed on the cross trainer is adding a whole new dimension to the muscles in my legs.
Just as well really, cos my newly found high heel fetish shows no signs of diminishing! After getting the most awesome pair in Brum the other week, yesterday I succumbed to a pair of pale grey patent platform courts at Office that are just amazing! The heel is at least 5" and I tower over most people in them, but I actually wore them onstage last night and didn't fall once! It's amazing how a pair of fabulous fuck me pumps will make even the plainest of outfits something special. I was only wearing skinny jeans and a t-shirt but I looked fierce! So many wasted years in flatties!
Talking of the stage, this weekend I am gigging at one of my Top Five comedy clubs in the world - The Glee Club in Cardiff - and so far I'm having a terrific time. The line-up is great, Matt Welcome, Stefano Paolini and Trevor Crook (plus on Thursday, new to me comic Tom Craine who was brilliant).
My confidence onstage had taken a bit of a knock recently due to some ill-informed comments, and it had been inhibiting my performances, but last night's show especially confirmed that the best thing for me to be is the best me I can be! I cannot be the comedian other people want or expect me to be and its pointless trying. If I was gonna fake it, I'd become an actor. It's been a pretty horrid few weeks, but I feel I'm out of the black hole now and onwards and upwards and fuck the haters!
Ps on Twitter I now have over 900 followers and I know they read my site and my blog, so I will thank you all here too for following me. If you're reading this and not on Twitter, get on there! I am MissJoJoSmith on there.
Laters folks xxx
Labels: Misc and TV