It'll Come To Us All
He had his first ever birthday party - better late than never I guess - and it was filled with friends and family, all of whom had a terrific time.
I was asked by my Dad to 'say a few words' and thank everyone for coming. Of course people were expecting me to do a turn, but with the amount of over 80's with dodgy tickers in the room I wasn't about to launch into a full on set. Plus its not like they were paying me!
Instead, I told a couple of amusing tales and praised him for being my Dad. Job done.
Then on Sunday night the pair of us were watching the Madonna concert on C4. He seemed a bit mesmerised by the sight of a woman pushing 50 simulating sex, but then of course when you're 80 she's a bit of young stuff I guess. Then he came out with the phrase I still cannot believe I heard, "didn't she adopt a baby panda?"
Once I'd stopped laughing enough to be able to reply, I patiently told him that she had in fact adopted a baby called David Banda. Apparently when he sits down to watch the 6 o'clock news he sometimes nods off and wakes up in the middle of a story... that's his excuse anyway!
Did a great little gig last night in Covent Garden called The Funny Side. I was on with Paul Sinha (who just gets better and better) and Rhys Darby who's about to embark on a massive adventure. He's doing a sit-com for HBO!!!!!!!! How amazing is that????? He will be moving to New York for six months early next year, and world wide fame is surely only moments away. I'm so excited for him...what an amazing break!
Off to Nottingham in a bit to do a last minute Xmas show at Jongleurs up there. They got me doing a set, its been a while since I did that, I usually compere Xmas shows for them, so here's hoping I don't upset the chairman of ICI, or whoever is there, too much.
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