Saturday, September 20, 2008

A Feast of Bacon!!!!!!!!

Oh man! Thursday I had just the best treat ever!!!!!!! Well, maybe not ever ever in the world, but one of my highlights of this year for sure. I took my Tate membership card and jumped on the bus to Pimlico to see the Francis Bacon show at the Tate Modern. 

Oh my god!!!!! Its an amazing show! I know I'm overusing the exclamation marks - even for me - but I cannot really convey in this medium how brilliant, inspiring, awesome and life affirming his paintings are.

Of course cos its a big show the place was crowded, but I still managed to get a good look at the work and each one was a revelation. Just wonderful.

The show is on for ages, so there's no excuse for missing it. I'll be going back at least once more, and I reckon you will too!


Sunday, September 14, 2008

What Have I Been Doing??????

Maybe the novelty of blogging has worn off, or maybe it's just that life is taking over a bit these days.

This weekend I was in Portsmouth doing Jongleurs with a cracking line-up of comedians - the fantastic Craig Campbell, the lovely Simon Clayton and the wonderful Andy Askins. The gigs were interesting in all kinds of ways, the only trouble was caused by people who really cannot handle their drink, which is such a pity as both nights had the makings of cracking gigs. Still we all did the business and then some!

There was an added bonus in that the acts who were appearing in Southampton had to stay at our hotel cos the Boat Show was on there and all the hotels had quadrupled their rates to cash in - how very shortsighted, they'll be glad of us when nobody else wants to stay in their poxy hotels!

Anyway it was a treat for me as it meant I got to hang out with my great mate Mickey Hutton, we spent most of the sunny Saturday walking round the shops, having a laugh and spending very little - a bonus in all ways!

Last weekend I was at Up The Creek which is always fabulous but last Saturday night's show is up there in my top 5 of this year, it was just the perfect night with a near perfect bill including John Fothergill and Ricky was bliss!

Tomorrow I'm doing a benefit gig at The Comedy Store - Stand-up For Shelter. It's another strong bill, and a terrific cause so get yer asses down there!


For One Night Only

I've just seen the amazing Milton Jones on the new ITV 'Variety" show and I wanna saw how totally, incredibly, brilliantly awesome he was! Gawd I miss him on the circuit!


Friday, September 05, 2008

Lest We Forget

This is me now

And this was me backstage at the old Late'n'Live in Edinburgh with my pals Stephen K Amos and lovely Colin about nine years ago
Sometimes getting older is a good thing!


A Bit Slack

I've been a bit slack with the blogs recently haven't I? I'd love to say its because I've been off filming all kinds of wonderful, well-paid, glamourous telly and movies, but that ain't the case. Not sure what I have been doing really, getting on with life I suppose.

Last weekend saw me gigging in Southampton with the fantastic Colin Cole, the wonderful Mat Welcome and the marvellous Mark Walker. The gigs were great fun, the TK Maxx provided me with a fab pair of Evisu jeans for £15 and the weather kinda held till I got back to London.

This week's seen me attend four - yes four- yoga classes! Apart from the fact that I totally love doing it, it's good to try out different teachers, cos they all have their own approach to teaching the positions, and I feel like I only really have the rest of this month to get a good grounding in it all. After that I'll be unable to attend till well into the new year.

Its a month till I fly out to Kuala Lumpur for the rest of my 'repair work' and once I've had a circumferential body lift, butt lift and inner thigh lift, doing a downward dog will be out of the question till I am completely healed, otherwise I might just split in half and spill all over the yoga studio floor!

So I really wanna get a good grounding in, so that when I am able to go back I won't have to take it too slowly.

I also saw Mr Stanek on Monday. He did the work on the top half, and the boobs haven't quite turned out as they should, so we've scheduled another op for early January to fix that. Then I will have perky lil titties like a young 'un!  Gawd this surgery malarkey is a bit addictive eh? None of this work seems exceptional to me. I guess its cos the way my body looks now isn't right due to the extreme weight loss, so it's less about trying to look younger or to be someone new, more about being the best version of me I can be.

I had a fab afternoon on Tuesday with my pal Paul, a great lunch at Satsuma - yummy noodles - and a right old cackle at the daftness of Step Brothers. I rarely go to see comedy films but Will Ferrell and John C Riley had me in stitches with their silliness.

This weekend sees me getting to sleep in my own bed. I'm doing Up The Creek in Greenwich - which I love - and the line-up is blinding!

Have a good 'un people.
